Cycling in Rutland

An excellent route planner

                      for cycling around Rutland Water

                                            is available from Streetwise


Scroll around the map at the   size on loading   Streetwise


The   Green  O - O - O shows the cycling route


You will join the route via Wytchly Farm (yellow Road) to Edith Weston

OR   to the  Dam at Normanton

Edith Westen Village^        ^ Car Park      Wytchley Farm ^  from Ketton ^

We are here at   The Lodge at Ketton Park  ^^        .

      Contact us



Mike Warrington   

The Lodge at Ketton


Park Road, Ketton


PE9 3SL 

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ROTARIAN Guests especiallyWELCOME 


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 Click below for local events and news from RUTLAND and STAMFORD area.

 Stamford Mercury

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